“Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.”
Uncertainty. Excitement. Lack of control. Anticipation. Mixed emotions.
Changes and life transitions can bring about different emotions in each of us, depending on our temperament, personality, and life experiences. I have been super inconsistent in blogging/any kind of social media, so I wanted to share a little about why- and how it relates to change.
My current patients know, but others may not- I am 7 1/2 months pregnant with our second child. We are SO excited about this new baby’s life and addition to our family, and along with this, comes change! Pregnancy itself brings about obvious physical changes, but also emotional changes, and the practical needs of planning and preparing for another baby. (Side note: if you’ve had kids…there’s a LOT that goes into preparing!)
In addition to that, our family moved to a new city last week! Another exciting, well anticipated transition- but a change nonetheless. Moving 45 min away with a toddler, while 7 months pregnant, a husband working full time, and maintaining my private practice- it’s been a lot. I hope to get back into blogging and posting once life settles down a little, but it’ll probably be inconsistent for awhile.
So- how do you cope with change? For me, it’s helpful to try to keep other factors as routine as possible. Having some semblance of normality in the crazy grounds me and reminds me that EVERYTHING isn’t changing. Other things that are helpful: verbally processing it, journaling, yoga, deep breathing, pre-planning as much as possible (making to- do lists may be my favorite hobby), and letting go of the illusion of control.
As you face your own upcoming changes, whether that be going to school, leaving for college, starting a new job, or moving to a new city- what do you need to do now to take care of yourself in the transition?